Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Reasoning Practice Test For SBI PO and Clerk

Directions (Q. No. 1-5) : In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

Give answer:
1) If only conclusion I follows
2) If only conclusion II follows
3) If either conclusion I or II follows
4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows
5) If both conclusions I and II follow
Statements :
All doctors are graduates.
All professors are graduates.
All engineers are graduates.
Conclusions :
I) Some professors can be doctors.
II) Some engineers may be doctors.

2. Statements :
Some cats are pens.
Some pens are big.
Some big are costly.
Conclusions :
I) No cat is costly.
II) Some big are definitely not cats.

3. Statements :
Some Benches are magazines.
All magazines are novels.
Some novels are papers.
Conclusions :
I) All benches being magazines is a possibility.
II) All papers being novels is a possibility.

4.Statements :
All cats are fans.
All fans are guns.
Some guns are hats.
Conclusions :
I) No fan is hat.
II) Some fans are hats.

5.Statements :
All tables are rats.
Some rats are chairs.
Some chairs are desks.
Conclusions :
I) Some desks are not tables.
II) All desks are tables.

Directions (Q. No. 6 - 10) : Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements marked I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and Give answer :

1) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2) If the data in statements I alone are not sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
3) If the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
4) If the data even in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
5) If the data in both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.

6. Towards which direction is A from R ?
I) A is exactly to the south east of M.
II) R is exactly to the south of M.

7. How many daughters does A have ?
I) P and Q are the only daughters of B.
II) D is brother of P and son of A.

8. Among P, Q, R, S and T sitting in a straight line facing north, who sits exactly in the middle of the line?
I) P sits third to the left of S. T is second to the left of R and an immediate neighbour of S.
II) P is second to the left of T who is second to the left of R.

9. Who amongst P, Q, R, S, T and U is the tallest?
I) P is taller that S and T but shorter than R. Q is taller than R.
II) T is taller than S. P is not the tallest.

10. Is C the grandmother of M ?
I) C is the mother of D. D is the brother of M's father.
II) M is son of N, who is daughter of C.
Directions (Q. No. 11-15) : Read each statement carefully and answer the following questions:

11. Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression D >= E > f, R >=B>T = D is definitely true ?
1. R>=D
2. B>=D
3. F>R
4. T>F
5. R>=E

12 . Which of the symbols should be placed in the blank space from left to right respectively to complete the expression in such a manner that T > B, C > T and D > F are definitely true ?
D <=T_X, D_B, C=X, F_B
1. <, >, <
2. >, >, <
3. =, <, >
4. =, <. <
5. >, =, <

13. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression to make the expression A > N and K>=N definitely true ?
A ? K >= L ? M ? N < O
1. <, >, =
2. >, >=, =
3. >, <=, >=
4. >, =, <=
5. None of these

14. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively from left to right to complete the given expression in such a manner that the expression B > W is definitely false and the expressions Z >=B and Y>=V are definitely true ?
1. >=, >=, >=
2. <=,<=, >=
3. >,>=, >
4. >=, =.<
5. None of these

15 . In which of the following expressions is 'P > Q' not definitely true ?
1. Q > C <= R < P
2. Q <= R < S <= P
3. P > S = T >= Q
4. P > S = T >=Q
5. None of these

Directions (Q. No. 16-20) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement :

Input : desk caring 32 18 today for 58 78
Step I : 18 desk caring 32 today for 58 78
Step II : 18 today desk caring 32 for 58 78
Step III : 18 today 32 desk caring for 58 78
Step IV : 18 today 32 for desk caring 58 78
Step V : 18 today 32 for 58 desk caring 78
Step VI : 18 today 32 for 58 desk 78 caring
And Step VI is the last step.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate Step for the given input.

16. Input : year 24 far 32 17 12 widevgoal
Which of the following will be Step V of the above input?
1. 12 year 17 wide 24 goal 32 far
2. 12 year 24 wide fax 32 17 goal
3. 12 year 24 far 32 17 wide goal
4. There will be no such step
5. None of these

17. Step IV of an input : 13 honk 29 father 83 76 door eye. Which of the following will be Step VI?
1. 13 honk 29 father 76 door 83 age
2. 13 honk 29 father 76 age 83 door
3. 13 honk 29 father 76 83 door age
4. 13 honk 29 father 76 eye 83 door
5. None of these

18. Step III of an input : 17 water 32 85 73 tax break home. How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?
1. Five
2. Four
3. Six
4. Two
5. Three

19. Step III of an input : 37 xmas 42 61 53 violet green red. How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
5. None of these

20. Step II of an input : 28 sure 72 63 height over 42 lamp. Which of the following is definitely the input?
1. height 28 sure 72 63 over 42 lamp
2. 72 63 28 sure height over 42 lamp
3. 63 28 sure 72 height over 42 lamp
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these

Solutions :
1.As the given statements are affirmative both the positive possibilities follow. Ans : 5
2.As the given statements are affirmative both the negative definite conclusions don't follow. Ans : 4
3.As the given statements are affirmative both the positive possibilities follow. Ans : 5
4. Both the conclusions form a complementary pair. So, either I or II follows. Ans : 3
5. Both the conclusions form a complementary pair. So, either I or II follows. Ans : 3
6. The distance between A and M as well as between R and M is not given. Hence, we cannot find our direction. Ans : 4
7. By combining both the statements, it can be concluded that A and B are married couple, and P and Q are the only daughters of A and B. Ans : 5
8. Either statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question. Ans : 3
9. Only statement I is sufficient.
Q > R > P > S & T Ans : 1

10. Only statement I is sufficient. C's gender is not known in the second statement. Ans : 1
(11-15) Answers :
11) 4
12) 1
13) 2
14) 1
15) 1

(16-20) : The illustration clearly shows that numbers and words are arranged alternatively in such a way that numbers in ascending order and words in revers order.

Input : year 24 far 32 17 12 wide goal
Step I : 12 year 24 far 32 17 wide goal
Step II : 12 year 17 24 far 32 wide goal
Step III : 12 year 17 wide 24 far 32 goal
Step IV : 12 year 17 wide 24 goal far 32
Step V : 12 year 17 wide 24 goal 32 far
Ans : 1

Step IV : 13 honk 29 father 83 76 door eye
Step V : 13 honk 29 father 76 83 door eye
Step VI : 13 honk 29 father 76 eye 83 door
Ans : 4

Step III : 17 water 32 85 73 tax break home
Step IV : 17 water 32 tax 85 73 break home
Step V : 17 water 32 tax 73 85 break home
Step VI : 17 water 32 tax 73 home 85 break
To complete the rearrangement there will be 3 more steps.
Ans : 5

Step III : 37 xmas 42 61 53 violet green red
Step IV : 37 xmas 42 violet 61 53 green red
Step V: 37 xmas 42 violet 53 61 green red
Step VI : 37 xmas 42 violet 53 red 61 green
Hence to complete the rearrangement 3 more steps will be required.
Ans : 1

20. Previous steps cannot be determined.
Ans : 4


Utkal Grahmin Bank Pre-joining Formalities Out

Dear Aspirants,
Utkal Gramin Bank has released the Pre-joining Formalities schedule for the candidates who have been shortlisted on the basis of RRBs-CWE-V examination of Officers Scale I/II and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) conducted by IBPS.
Note: The verification of Biometric impressions and original documents of the allotted candidates will be held tentatively on 05.04.2017, 06.04.2017 and 07.04.2017 at Utkal Gramin Bank, head office, Bolan.


Monday, 27 March 2017


Dear Aspirants,

Further to the Preliminary and Main Examinations held on 22.01.2017 and 28.02.2017 respectively and Interview held from 20th to 24th March 2017, the list of candidates provisionally selected for admission to Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF) course offered through Manipal Global Education Services is placed below.

NICL AO Recruitment Out

Dear Aspirants,

National Insurance company Ltd.(NICL) has released the notification for the Recruitment of 205 Administrative Officers. Check the details below.


SSC CPO Medical Exam Schedule 2016 North Region

Dear Aspirants,

SSC(Staff Selection Commission) released the Schedule of Medical Exam for Sub Inspectors(SI) in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub Inspectors(ASI) in CISF. Northern Region Candidates who have been declared provisionally qualified in Paper-II(18th December 2016) can download Admit Cards from the link given below.

Source: sscnr.net.in

A Single Window Exam For All Govt. Recruitments

Dear Aspirants,

For the longest period of time, Govt. agencies have been trying to comp up with a solution to make the Competitive examination process easier. A common window for all the govt. exams has been proposed so that students do not have to apply for all the exams separately.

According to the letter given below, there would be separate common examinations for graduates, 12th pass and 10th pass candidates. Candidates can thereafter apply to various recruitment agencies for appearing in Tier-II examinations. Syllabus will remain the same. The process will be changed a bit to generate more employment opportunities.

Its not readable but we reiterate the whole letter here.


All Head of Department
Govt. of NCT Delhi
Delhi, New Delhi

Sub : Unified and transparent recruitment process for filling up vacancies of Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and below posts in Government of India - regarding.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI, through its letter dated 07.02.2017 has referred to DoPT, GOI, O.M. dated 25.01.2017 which states that of present candidates seeking government jobs has to appear for different examinations where similar eligibility conditions have been prescribed. The multiple recruitment examinations not only burden the candidates but also results in avoidable expenditure in conducting of these examinations by various recruitment agencies. Government is now proposing to introduce common eligibility and to shortlist the candidates for vacancies of Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted and below posts through computer based online mode test for Tier-1 Examination to be conducted by a multi agency body. There will be common registrations of candidates through National Career Service (NCS) portal. There would be separate common examinations for graduates, 12th pass and 10th pass candidates. The scores obtained by the candidates shall be available to the candidates and individual recruitment agencies. The Tier-1 score shall be valid for one year from date of declaration of the result. Candidates can thereafter apply to various recruitment agencies for appearing in Tier-II examinations. Final selection will be made through specialised Tier-II examination to be conducted by individual recruitment agencies. This would result in savings to the candidates and the Government but also compress the duration of the selection process by half. The MHA has sought details in prescribed format (reproduced below) in respect of all Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and below level posts, wherever there is adherence of direct recruitment and direct recruitment is not through the SSC/UPSC.

I am directed to request that information may kindly be provided in requisite format latest by 23.02.2017, both in, respect of your department and subordinate offices /organizations under your administrative control, in order to enable this department to compile and forward details/reply to Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI.

Source: multiple sources

Saturday, 25 March 2017

SSC CPO Medical Exam Schedule 2016 Out

Dear Aspirants,
SSC(Staff Selection Commission) released the Schedule of Medical Exam for Sub Inspectors(SI) in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub Inspectors(ASI) in CISF .Detailed medical examination (DME)/Document Verification (DV) of candidates who have been declared provisionally qualified in Paper-II(18th December 2016) as per schedule given below.

You should report for Detailed medical examination(DME) at 07.00 AM on the allotted date, failing which you may not be admitted to DME.
Below are the links to Download Exam Schedule for particular region.

For North Eastern region



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