Dear Aspirants,
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As you all know that “RBI GRADE B” is here . This is the dream job for all banking aspirants. Every aspirant who is new in the preparation of banking or applying for first time may be searching for the pattern and the syllabus of this exam. Well i already described the pattern of the exam in my previous post. If you have not seen this, you can click here to see the post.
Now come to syllabus, Though its given in NOTIFICATION in detail but little bit difficult to understand. So I'm describing it here in simple and proper format.
Discussing the exam pattern and syllabus, RBI grade B has different than all other banking exams. In RBI grade B you will find 200 questions in Phase-I from subjects like Reasoning , Quant , English and General Awareness and the major difference is in Phase-II which it consist of three papers:
Paper I - Economic and Social Issues (Objective type)
Paper II - English (Writing Skills) ( Descriptive type)
Paper III- Finance and Management (Objective type)
So, you can see Phase I is something you are in habit of doing like this is something you face in each and every banking exams but Phase II is something that requires special, focused and strategical preparation.
RBI Officers (Grade-B) Syllabus
RBI Grade-B Examination has two phases of Online Test for which candidates have to thoroughly study the following subjects:
(Phase I)
General Awareness
English Language
Discussing the exam pattern and syllabus, RBI grade B has different than all other banking exams. In RBI grade B you will find 200 questions in Phase-I from subjects like Reasoning , Quant , English and General Awareness and the major difference is in Phase-II which it consist of three papers:
Paper I - Economic and Social Issues (Objective type)
Paper II - English (Writing Skills) ( Descriptive type)
Paper III- Finance and Management (Objective type)
So, you can see Phase I is something you are in habit of doing like this is something you face in each and every banking exams but Phase II is something that requires special, focused and strategical preparation.
RBI Officers (Grade-B) Syllabus
RBI Grade-B Examination has two phases of Online Test for which candidates have to thoroughly study the following subjects:
(Phase I)
General Awareness
- Banking Awareness
- Financial Awareness
- Govt. Schemes and Policies
- Current Affairs
- Static Awareness
English Language
- Reading Comprehension
- Cloze Test
- Fillers
- Sentence Errors
- Vocabulary based questions
- Sentence Improvement
- Jumbled Paragraph
- Paragraph Based Questions ( Paragraph Fillers, Paragraph Conclusion, Paragraph /Sentences Restatement)
Reasoning Ability
- Puzzles
- Seating Arrangements
- Direction Sense
- Blood Relation
- Syllogism
- Order and Ranking
- Coding-Decoding
- Machine Input-Output
- Inequalities
- Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
- Data Sufficiency
- Logical Reasoning (Passage Inference, Statement and Assumption, Conclusion, Argument)
Quantitative Aptitude
- Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet, Radar/Web, Pie Chart)
- Inequalities (Quadratic Equations)
- Number Series
- Approximation and Simplification
- Data Sufficiency
- Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains, Mixture and Allegation, Pipes and Cisterns)
(Phase II: 300 Marks)
Paper-I - Economic and social Issues:( 120 minutes, 100 Marks)
- Growth and Development
- National Income and per capita income
- Economic Reforms in India
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Balance of Payments
- IMF and World Bank, WTO
- Social Structure in India
- Social Justice
- Indian Political System
- Health and Education
Suggested reference material:
- Indian Economy: Uma Kapila.(Series of Books)
- Indian Economy: Mishra Puri. (Latest Edition)
- Growth And Development: Devraj Ray
- Sociology: C.N. Shankar Rao
News Papers:
- Economic Times
- The Hindu
- Business Standard
- Economic and Political Weekly
- Southern Economist
- Yojana
- Business India
- RBI Bulletins
- World Development Report
- Economic Survey of India
Paper- II -English (Writing Skills):(180 minutes, 100 Marks)
- The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic.
Paper-III -Finance and Management:(
90 minutes, 100 Marks)
(I) Finance
(a) Financial System
- Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions
- Reserve Bank of India- functions and conduct of monetary policy,
- Banking System in India, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM, NABARD, NHB, etc.
(b) Financial Markets
- Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity,etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.
(c) General Topics
- Risk Management in Banking Sector
- Basics of Derivatives: Forward, Futures and Swap
- Changing Landscape of Banking sector
- Recent Developments in the Financial Sector, Portfolio Investment, Public Sector Reforms, Disinvestments
- Financial Inclusion- use of technology
- Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
- Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, role of e-governance in addressing the issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector.
- The Union Budget – Direct and Indirect taxes; Non-tax sources of Revenue, GST, Thirteenth Finance Commission and GST, Finance Commission, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM),
- Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI - components and trends.
Suggested reference material:
- An introduction to Economics – A W Stonier and D C Hauge
- Monetary Theory and Public Policy – Kenneth Kurihara
- Indian Economy – Mishra and Puri
- Indian Economy – R. Dutt and KPM Sundaram
- Economic Growth and Development – Mayer and Baldwin
- Major economic newspapers and Economic and Political Weekly
- Public Finance – K K Andley and Sundaram
- Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra
(II) Management:
- Management: its nature and scope; The Management Processes; Planning, Organisation, Staffing, Directing and Controlling; The Role of a Manager in an Organisation.
- Leadership:The Tasks of a Leader; Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
- Human Resource Development: Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD; Performance Appraisal – Potential appraisal and development – Feedback and Performance Counselling – Career Planning – Training and Development – Rewards – Employee Welfare.
- Motivation,Morale and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate; Concept of Morale; Factors determining morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
- Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information Technology.
- Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.
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